De U5168-searje is in nijsgjirrige lineêre LED-ferljochtingsarmatuur sekuer makke foar útsûnderlike downlighting. Konstruearre út in ien-stik ekstrudearre 6063 aluminium profyl, dit armatuur soarget net allinnich duorsumens, mar ek blinkt út yn hege waarmte dissipation prestaasjes foar langer gebrûk.
Streamlining fan fjildynstallaasje, de U5168-searje omfettet in maklike arkferbiningsoperaasje mei help fan One Nut joining. Dit trochtochte ûntwerp omfettet in iepen romte, it ferienfâldigjen fan AC-bedrading en ûnderhâldprosedueres foar maklike opset en ûnderhâld.
It ferbetterjen fan syn veelzijdigheid, de U5168 Series biedt meardere hoeke module opsjes en in fleksibele join oplossing yn it fjild, ferminderjen arbeid operaasjes en optimalisearjen ynstallaasje gemak.
In opfallende funksje is har oanpaste oanpassingsmooglikheden foar projekten. Spesifikaasjes, ynklusyf luminaire lingte, CRI, macht, en luminaire effisjinsje, kinne fyn oanpast te foldwaan oan spesifike easken, catering oan in ferskaat oanbod fan applikaasjes. De U5168 Series fertsjintwurdiget wirklik in wiidweidige ljochtoplossing dy't avansearre funksjes naadloos kombineart mei oanpassingsfermogen foar ferskate ferljochtingssenario's.
1.Downlighting Excellence:De U5168 Series is in lineêre LED-ferljochtingsarmatuur spesifyk ûntworpen foar effisjinte downlighting. Makke út in ien-stik ekstruderd 6063 aluminium profyl, it blinkt út yn it leverjen fan optimale ferljochting, wylst it garandearret hege waarmte dissipation prestaasjes foar langstme.
2.Effortless fjild ynstallaasje:De U5168 Series simplifies fjild ynstallaasje mei in maklik ark ferbinende operaasje mei help fan ien nut joining. It trochtochte ûntwerp soarget foar in iepen romte foar probleemfrije AC-bedrading en ûnderhâld, en ferbettert it gemak by opset en ûnderhâld.
3.Versatile Angular Module Opsjes:De U5168 Series biedt meardere hoeke module opsjes, it bieden fan fleksibiliteit yn ferljochting hoeken. Derneist presintearret it in praktyske en fleksibele oplossing foar oansluting op it fjild, it ferminderjen fan arbeidsoperaasjes en it streamlinearjen fan it ynstallaasjeproses.
4.Projekt oanpaste oanpassing:Ien fan har opfallende funksjes is de mooglikheid foar maatwurk om te foldwaan oan projektspesifike easken. Spesifikaasjes, ynklusyf luminaire lingte, CRI, macht, en luminaire effisjinsje, kinne wurde oanpast, garandearjen veelzijdigheid en catering oan ferskate applikaasjes. Dit oanpassingsfermogen makket de U5168 Series in ideale kar foar in breed oanbod fan ferljochting senario.
Us standertopsjes omfetsje Matt White textured, Matt Black textured poedercoating, en Silver anodized finishes.
Foar in mear persoanlike touch wreidet ús Customized tsjinst jo karren út nei in palet fan maksimaal 48 ekstra kleuren, wêrtroch jo jo seleksje kinne oanpasse oan jo foarkar.
Us ferljochtingsarmaturen demonstrearje veelzijdigheid en oanpassingsfermogen, en blinkt út yn ferskate omjouwings.
Oft se kantoaren, edukative ynstellings, of konferinsjeromten ferljochtsje mei algemien ljocht of fokusje ferljochting leverje yn ferskate wurkromten, ús armaturen skine.
Se drage by oan ferhege produktiviteit yn kantoaren en stypje in befoarderjende learsfear yn edukative ynstellings, wêrtroch se de ideale ljochtoplossing binne foar ferskate omjouwings.
Model | U5168 | Ynput Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Prismatyske lens | Macht | 27W |
Beam hoeke | 85° | LED | 2835 SMD |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Ein | Textured Swart (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Oan/út >0.9 |
Diminsje | L1208 x B51 x H68mm | Lumen | 2295-3420 lm/stk |
IP/IK | IP22/IK06 | Effisjinsje | 85 - 123lm/W |
Ynstallaasje | Hanger | THD | <20% |
Netto Gewicht | 1.35kgs | Life Tiid | 50.000 oeren |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatysk lens, Krêft: 15W, Effisjinsje: 85lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1275lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1275lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1275lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1148lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1148lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1148lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1313 lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1313 lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1313 lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1182lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1182lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1182lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1211lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1211lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1211lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1090lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1090lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1090lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatysk lens, Krêft: 15W, Effisjinsje: 105lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1575 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1575 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1575 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1418lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1418lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1418lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1622lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1622lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1622lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1460 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1460 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1460 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1496lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1496lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1496lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1347lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1347lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1347lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatysk lens, Krêft: 15W, Effisjinsje: 123lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1845 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1845 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1845 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1661 lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1661 lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1661 lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1900lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1900lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1900lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1710 lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1710 lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1710 lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1753 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1753 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1753 lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1577lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1577lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1577lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Model | U5168 | Ynput Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Prismatyske lens | Macht | 35W |
Beam hoeke | 85° | LED | 2835 SMD |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Ein | Textured Swart (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Oan/út >0.9 |
Diminsje | L1208 x B51 x H68mm | Lumen | 2975-4434 lm/stk |
IP/IK | IP22 | Effisjinsje | 85 - 123lm/W |
Ynstallaasje | Hanger | THD | <20% |
Netto Gewicht | 1.35kgs | Life Tiid | 50.000 oeren |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatysk lens, Krêft: 27W, Effisjinsje: 85lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2295lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2295lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2295lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2066lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2066lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2066lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2364lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2364lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2364lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2127lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2127lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2127lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2180lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2180lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2180lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 1962 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 1962 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 1962 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatysk lens, Krêft: 27W, Effisjinsje: 105lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2835lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2835lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2835lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2552lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2552lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2552lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2920lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2920lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2920lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2628lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2628lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2628lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2693lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2693lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2693lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2424lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2424lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2424lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatysk lens, Krêft: 27W, Effisjinsje: 123lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 3321lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3321lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3321lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2989lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2989lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2989lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 3421lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3421lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3421lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 3079lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3079lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3079lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 3155lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3155lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3155lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2839lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2839lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2839lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | U5168 | Ynput Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Prismatyske lens | Macht | 27W |
Beam hoeke | 85° | LED | 2835 SMD |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Ein | Textured Swart (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Oan/út >0.9 |
Diminsje | L1508 x B51 x H68mm | Lumen | 2295-3420 lm/stk |
IP/IK | IP22/IK06 | Effisjinsje | 85 - 123lm/W |
Ynstallaasje | Hanger | THD | <20% |
Netto Gewicht | 1.45kg | Life Tiid | 50.000 oeren |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatic lens, Krêft: 35W, Effisjinsje: 85lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 2975lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2975lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2975lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 2678lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2678lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2678lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3064lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3064lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3064lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 2758lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2758lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2758lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 2826lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2826lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2826lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 2544lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2544lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2544lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatic lens, Krêft: 35W, Effisjinsje: 105lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3675lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3675lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3675lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3308lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3308lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3308lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3785lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3785lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3785lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3407lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3407lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3407lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3491lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3491lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3491lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3142lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3142lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3142lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatic lens, Krêft: 35W, Effisjinsje: 123lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 4305lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4305lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4305lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3875lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3875lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3875lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 4434lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4434lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4434lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3991lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3991lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3991lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 4 090lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4 090lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4 090lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3681lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3681lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3681lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | U5168 | Ynput Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Prismatyske lens | Macht | 27W |
Beam hoeke | 85° | LED | 2835 SMD |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Ein | Textured Swart (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Oan/út >0.9 |
Diminsje | L1508 x B51 x H68mm | Lumen | 2295-3420 lm/stk |
IP/IK | IP22/IK06 | Effisjinsje | 85 - 123lm/W |
Ynstallaasje | Hanger | THD | <20% |
Netto Gewicht | 1.45kg | Life Tiid | 50.000 oeren |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatic lens, Krêft: 27W, Effisjinsje: 85lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2295lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2295lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2295lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2066lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2066lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2066lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2364lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2364lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2364lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2127lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2127lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2127lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2180lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2180lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2180lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 1962 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 1962 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 1962 lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatysk lens, Krêft: 27W, Effisjinsje: 105lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2835lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2835lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2835lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2552lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2552lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2552lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2920lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2920lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2920lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2628lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2628lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2628lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2693lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2693lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2693lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2424lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2424lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2424lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatic lens, Krêft: 27W, Effisjinsje: 123lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 3321lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 3321lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 3321lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2989lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2989lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2989lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 3421lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 3421lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 3421lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 3079lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 3079lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 3079lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 3155lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 3155lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 3155lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.0W | 2839lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2839lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 27.8W | 2839lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | U5168 | Ynput Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Prismatyske lens | Macht | 36W |
Beam hoeke | 85° | LED | 2835 SMD |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Ein | Textured Swart (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Oan/út >0.9 |
Diminsje | L1508 x B51 x H68mm | Lumen | 3060-4561 lm/stk |
IP/IK | IP22/IK06 | Effisjinsje | 85 - 123lm/W |
Ynstallaasje | Hanger | THD | <20% |
Netto Gewicht | 1.35kgs | Life Tiid | 50.000 oeren |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatysk lens, Krêft: 36W, Effisjinsje: 85lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 3060 lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3060 lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3060 lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 2754lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 2754lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 2754lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 3152lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3152lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3152lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 2837lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 2837lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 2837lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 2907lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 2907lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 2907lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 2616lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 2616lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 2616lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatysk lens, Krêft: 36W, Effisjinsje: 105lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 3780lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3780lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3780lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 3402lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3402lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3402lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 3893lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3893lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3893lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 3504lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3504lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3504lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 3591lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3591lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3591lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 3232lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3232lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3232lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatysk lens, Krêft: 36W, Effisjinsje: 123lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 4428lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 4428lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 4428lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 3985lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3985lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3985lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 4561lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 4561lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 4561lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 4105lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1515 mm | 37.1W | 4105lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 4105lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 4207lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 4207lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 4207lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 36.0W | 3786lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3786lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 37.1W | 3786lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Model | U5168 | Ynput Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Prismatyske lens | Macht | 45W |
Beam hoeke | 85° | LED | 2835 SMD |
UGR | <22 | SDCM | <3 |
Ein | Textured Swart (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Oan/út >0.9 |
Diminsje | L1508 x B51 x H68mm | Lumen | 3825-5701 lm/stk |
IP/IK | IP22/IK06 | Effisjinsje | 85 - 123lm/W |
Ynstallaasje | Hanger | THD | <20% |
Netto Gewicht | 1.45kg | Life Tiid | 50.000 oeren |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatysk lens, Krêft: 45W, Effisjinsje: 85lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 3825lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 3825lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 3825lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 3443lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 3443lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 3443lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 3940lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 3940lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 3940lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 3546lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 3546lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 3546lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 3634lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 3634lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 3634lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 3270lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 3270lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 3270lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatysk lens, Krêft: 45W, Effisjinsje: 105lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 4725lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4725lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4725lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 4253lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4253lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4253lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 4867lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4867lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4867lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 4380lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4380lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4380lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 4489lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4489lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4489lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 4040lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4040lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4040lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Ljocht: U5168, Optysk: Prismatysk lens, Krêft: 45W, Effisjinsje: 123lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 5535lm | 80+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 5535lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 5535lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 4982lm | 90+ | 3000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4982lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4982lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 5701lm | 80+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 5701lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 5701lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 5131lm | 90+ | 4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 5131lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 5131lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 5258lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 5258lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 5258lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 45.0W | 4732lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | Oan-út |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4732lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Prismatyske lens | 85° | <22 | L1508 mm | 46.4W | 4732lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |